Bachelor Program of Educational Technology is in the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology under the Faculty of Educational Sciences which initially began with the establishment of Teachers Education College (PTPG) Batu Sangkar (1954-1956), and period of Faculty of Teachers Training and Education (FKIP) Andalas University (UNAND) Bukittingi in Batu Sangkar (1956-1958). Then, FKIP UNAND Padang was developed (1958-1964). During this period, several new departments were established, including the Department of Educational Guidance which became the forerunner of the Faculty of Educational Sciences. From 1964 to 1965, the Padang branch of the Institute of Teachers Training and Education (IKIP) Jakarta was established. In the period of 1965 to 1999, the Padang Branch of IKIP Jakarta became an independent institution under the name of IKIP Padang. In 1999, IKIP Padang received an expanded mandate to become a university under the name of Universitas Negeri Padang. Furthermore, Faculty of Educational Sciences (FIP) of IKIP Padang was also changed into the Faculty of Educational Sciences (FIP) of UNP based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 93/1999 on August 24, 1999. The Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology in 1969 was originally named the Department of General Education. Then, in 1977-1982, the Department of General Education changed its name to the Didactic Curriculum (DK) and one year later, it was changed again to the Department of Education. After that, in 1982-1989, or in 1983 to be precise, the Department of Education was renamed to the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology (KTP). The Department of Education was renamed to the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology (KTP) and until now it has an Bachelor Program of Educational Technology. The development of curriculum in the Bachelor Program of Educational Technology is based on the Higher Education Curriculum which initially refers to the Indonesian Qualifications Framework (KKNI), namely undergraduate degree at level 6. The descriptions of KKNI curriculum refers to the Learning Outcomes of Existing Courses. In 2020, there were significant changes in the study program curriculum based on the Higher Education Curriculum that refers to the changes in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 and Independent Learning (Merdeka Belajar).
A. Vision
Becoming a study program that produces excellent educational technology developers by mastering the field of Information and Communication Technology in order to facilitate the learning process in educational institutions or government institutions and in the community.
B. Mision